Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back on the Wagon...for real this time...

Well, it took me a bit longer to get back on track than I had anticipated, but I back and that's what matters.  On that note, to prepare for the week (I got a job!!!) I just finished cooking a TON of meat.  That is also due to the fact that I bought a lot of meat on sale. Which leads me to...

BUDGET TIP: Look for meat that is marked down because its expiration date is in a day or two.  This means you will have to cook or freeze the meat within about 24 hours, but it is a great way to get meat you may not have been able/willing to buy for a reduced price.

Tonight, I cooked sausage for my breakfast quiche (enough for this week and next), browned a pound of ground hamburger meat (and froze), I cooked a pack of chicken on my fake George Foreman, made mini Italian meatballs (and froze), and defrosted and blitzed some broccoli for my quiche.

On the agenda for the week: create a "Thanksgiving" meatball and attempt a pumpkin custard.  Let the holiday themed cooking begin!

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