Monday, January 16, 2012

Eating Paleo While Sick

So I don't know about you, but when I am sick, my food preferences change dramatically.  Sometimes all I want is comfort food, sometimes all I want is fast food, sometimes I don't want to eat at all.  This past week I was fighting off a cold of some sort and decided to tackle the cold head on.  I ate a TON of citrus and made two soups. 

My meals looked like this:
Breakfast: eggs and grapefruit and oranges
Lunch: beef curry stew
Dinner: chicken taco soup with avocado

By making these dishes over the weekend, they were convenient and ready to go when I was packing my lunch or coming home from work.  I wasn't even tempted to stop and buy a less healthy (and more expensive) alternative.

Below is the recipie for the taco soup, it's easy and delicious!

Chicken Taco Soup
1 lb chicken breast (cut into small chunks)
2 16oz cans diced tomatoes
1 ½ cups chicken broth
1 bag frozen chopped peppers & onions (equivalent of 2-3 peppers and 1/2 large onion)
1 T hot sauce
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp dill
Salt & pepper

Combine all ingredients in a large stock pot. Bring to a boil then reduce heat. Simmer for an hour. Serve with avocado slices on top.

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